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Our Mission

Jeff Pedersen Productions is a theatre production company based in Vestland, Norway. We are dedicated to creating exciting new works of theatre, to working in nontraditional spaces, and to collaborating with artists in other fields to test the boundaries of theatre as an art form.

Vestland is one of the most naturally beautiful places on earth and theatre her should reflect the area it is made. We think that it is vital to take advantage of the wealth of talent in our region, and will offer opportunities to young theatre professionals as often as possible. Since our founding in 2012, we have given more opportunities to young theatre professionals in our region than all other companies or institutions combined.

This investment in the development of talent not only benefits us artistically, but also benefits our region and helps to create an exciting theatre community. We work with athletic, detailed, and explosive physical theatre, and with texts with deep emotional and poetic resonance. Central to our approach is the idea that the audience is directly challenged by our work – they are not passive viewers, but rather participants who exit the theatre as fundamentally different people than those who entered it.

Our focus is an absolute dedication to our story, and we will explore any possibility in search of the most effective mode of telling it. In addition to method, classical, and physical theatre techniques, we have used parkour, martial arts, stage magic and mentalism, photography and fine art in our work. This willingness and passionate desire to make use of any possible storytelling tool available makes us also able to work across a wide range of mediums. Our work includes theatre, opera, television, film, video games, concerts, and design. Jeff Pedersen is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Dei fem dansar sakn, frykt og håp. Dei dundrar nevane i bordet så heile salen kvepp og sjølv kjenner på denne angsten som berre vert sterkare og sterkare...I boka gjekk Katrine Sele inn og lét lesaren sakte bli kjent med dei ulike lagnadene, og på same måten klarer Pedersen å formidle alle dei sterke kjenslene som er klemt saman på eit lite areal.
Jeff Pedersen leverer "Hustrig og vakkert Herøyspel" "Ståande ovasjoner er på sin plass..."
"Opera som treff" Jeff Pedersen "hentar fram operamagien i Hans og Grete"
Lots of great articles and reviews of Det gule tapetet (The Yellow Wallpaper)! Bergens Tidene lists Det gule tapetet as one of the top 5 things to do in Bergen, and credits us with inventing a new genre of theatre! NRK TV came to see us on set and wrote a great article about Marte Paulsen making her professional debut in an extremely challenging role. Bergens Tidene came all the way up to the top of a mountain in Luster to write this article on the play. "mektig og imponerende" ("powerful and impressive") says Sogn Avis! Jeff Pedersen interviewed about the show, with a little recorded snippet Another interview with Jeff Pedersen and Kjersti Elvik
dette var berre så utruleg vakkert, og imponerande på alle måtar. Dei unge dramaspirane frå kulturskulen trollbatt publikum og leverte ei førestilling som stod til topp karakter.
Firda Tidend 2016
dette var berre så utruleg vakkert, og imponerande på alle måtar. Dei unge dramaspirane frå kulturskulen trollbatt publikum og leverte ei førestilling som stod til topp karakter.
Firda Tidend
Julekrybba vart levande i Naustdal kyrkje"..."I samarbeid med Sogn og Fjordane Teater leverer elevane eit spel med høg kvalitet, mykje takka vere at dei er tatt på alvor"
Firda Tidend
Fektescenene vert meisterleg innstudert av Jeff Pedersen...i det heile er den plastiske elegansen suverent til stades gjennom heile framsyninga. The fight scenes were masterfully choreographed by Jeff Pedersen...and this fluid elegance reigned throughout the play. review in Dag og Tid of Romeo og Julie at Det Norske Teatret
Bent Kvalvik Dag og Tid
Review of Jeff Pedersen as "Kurt" in Sogn og Fjordane's Production of Strindberg's Dance of Death: Jeff Pedersen, as Kurt, was our man on the floor. Pedersen is the one I believe, both in his acting and use of language...He shows honest feelings when he is variously surprised, confused, frightened and angry.
Åsta Urdal, Firda Journalist, Firda
Jeff designed and ran workshops on delivering presentations. These were part of a suite of training that enabled participants to design a captivating presentation and then deliver it with confidence. The workshop included feedback on their delivery style and experiences designed to enhance their own personal style drawing on a number of acting techniques. All workshops have been well received and in many cases have lead to repeat bookings. Jeff has worked on a number of one to one coaching sessions for senior managers required to deliver memorable presentations. These intensive workshops have included feedback on current delivery style and coaching on achieving a more assured, confident delivery. Jeff has accompanied managers to events where they were to present in order to prepare and then receive feedback on their delivery. Jeff developed a number of workshops for staff who were at risk of losing their job due to redundancy and were offered outplacement support. Many of the staff had not been in an interview for situation for years. These workshops moved beyond the usual CV writing to actually working with people on their interviewing skills focussing on their physical presence as well as their verbal answers. The workshops were hugely successful. Staff went on to find other roles quickly and we received terrific feedback on the confidence the workshops had given them.
Bonita Hopkins Director, Gainsborough Training Ltd
Åmot Opera Farm’s motto is “to look to the stars”. Jeff Pedersen has worked with direction and workshops for Åmot Opera Farm. The performance Viva la Diva is our most sold performance for events and parties. Together with the performers he has been able to convey Åmot Opera Farm’s essence within thirty minutes in a refined and witty way. Using Jeff Pedersen as a workshop leader with a focus on becoming a better version of oneself has helped lift our customers towards new stars.
Steinar Sørli Owner, Åmot Opera Farm
Åmot Operagard sitt kundeløfte er " å cende blikket mot stjernene". Jeff Pedersen har arbeidet med regi og workshops for Åmot Operagard. Forestillingen Viva la Diva er vår mest solge forestilling for event og selskap. Sammen med artistene har han greid å formidle Åmot Operagard sin historie gjennom 30 min på en rafinert og humorisk måte. Å bruke Jeff Pedersen som leder av workshop med fokus på å bli en bedre utgave av seg selv har vært med å løfte våre kunder mot nye stjerner.
Steinar Sørli Owner, Åmot Opera Farm
I have had the pleasure of producing school concert programs with Jeff Pedersen as a stage director. His intuitive understanding of the dramaturgical possibilities in musical contexts enhanced the performance immediately. This was also much appreciated by the musicians. Although not being actors, they could still relate to his specific and skillful instructions, thus providing them with added self-confidence. I am looking forward to working more together with Jeff in future projects.
Øyvind Lyslo Music Producer/Musikk Produsent
Eg har hatt gleda av å samarbeide med Jeff Pedersen som regissør når det gjeld produksjon av skulekonsertar. Han har ei intuitiv forståing for musikalsk dramaturgi som løftar både innhaldet og prestasjonane i konsertprogrammet. Dette var noko også musikarane sette stor pris på. Dei kkje skodespelarar, men likevel kunne dei ta til seg innsiktsfull og presis instruksjon som også gav dei meir sjølvtillit. Eg ser fram til å kunne samarbeide meir med Jeff i framtidige prosjekt.
Øyvind Lyslo Music Producer/Musikk Produsent