Wayfaring Stranger

Wayfaring Stranger
Wayfaring Stranger will be performing at Figurfestspillene in Tønsberg, 26th of January. Tickets are on sale now!
And just before that we’ll be at Cornerteateret in Bergen on the 24th of January! Tickets on sale now!
More dates and locations to follow!
Album now on Spotify, YouTube!
Through theatre, poetry, and bluegrass music, Wayfaring Stranger tells of the costs of leaving home, the pain of abandoning loved ones, the feeling of being an outsider as an immigrant, and the value of listening to unfamiliar voices. It is a very personal story of pain and loss, but also of how those feelings can become powerful motivators.
The play focuses on how we define our sense of “home,” and what it means to abandon it. The sacrifice of a sense of “home” is an investment by immigrants in their new country that is largely overlooked and not generally understood by those who have not done it themselves.
Wayfaring Stranger is supported by the Norwegian Arts Council, FFUK and Askvoll Kommune.
Wayfaring Stranger has recently completed its first tour, performing in Askvoll, Førde, Leikanger, Fjaler, and Bergen.
Written and directed by Jeff Pedersen
Sound design by Steinar Skadal
Lighting design by Jan Holden
Puppeteers: Per Arne Løset, Stein Ove Øygardslia and Jan Holden
Performed by Jeff Pedersen, Jacob Wyrtz
Directing Consultant: Aslak Moe
Produced by Charlotte Faaberg-Johansen, Syv Mil AS